August 10, 2017. 11 days until The “Energy Eclipse.”


The energy between the full moon on August 7th and the Total Solar “Energy Eclipse” on the August 21st is an incredibly powerful time for intention setting.

This is the time when you either use the energy that is happening, or let it use you.

It’s better to work with it consciously.

Symbols are always among the best tools to use when working with energies. While I tailor specific imagery for private clients, I will also drop in images in my blog to help people get through energy pushes in a general way.

The moon image in this post is useful to look at when the moon energy is too wild and chaotic. This image will help you ground the moon energy, as well as help bring your intentions nearer to solid manifestation.

Look, don’t stare at it, and allow yourself to feel whatever comes to you. Keep this image in mind during times when the moon energy is ramped up too much, or when you feel that you are stressing out. This moon-like symbol will help your subconscious put the energies into right action within you.

I look forward to helping you better attune to this energy and focus it to your advantage here, online, and in person.

Stay tuned to this blog each day for more, as we work through this powerful surge together.

The time is counting down, and the energy is ramping up. Let’s use it!
Here are a few resources to help you make the most of the Energy Eclipse:

Live Energy Eclipse Gathering

I will be hosting a live event on the evening of the eclipse to help people firmly set intentions into action. This will be an extension of the Full Moon event we gathered for, where our group set intentions using symbolic magic, sound vibration and the energy of the full moon. Join us on August 21st near Phoenix Arizona. Seating is limited; be sure to RSVP.

Bowlvana Singing Bowl Music

Bowlvana Singing Bowl Music helps calm you, integrate the energies, and attune to cosmic energies from the inside out:


Personal energy work

I do personally work with people long distance and one-on-one in person, for those who sincerely want to work on themselves and with this (and other) energies. I love helping people to get synched up to their path, and unlock their wonders within. You can message me for more information about that at

You can learn more about the physical aspects of this rare eclipse on August 21st, 2017 HERE.





